Brand Certifications


A well-known label in the textile industry, the Bluesign certification system aims at making the supply chains as sustainable as possible by approving and disapproving the use of all chemicals, materials and substances keeping in mind the safety of stakeholders. Chemicals in the blue category are safe to use, gray category chemicals need to be handled with care, and ones in the black category are debarred from use.

A brand can be certified Bluesign when: 

  • Its supply chain tests negative for harmful chemicals like carcinogenic substances, endocrine substances, sensitizing and irritating substances,etc. 
  • It uses methods that increase resource productivity without putting the consumers’ and the workers’ health at risk.
  • It adopts sustainable production practices that help reduce carbon emissions.


The Fair Trade Guarantee System assesses the entirety of an organization’s business model, evaluating the brand on Fairtrade standards that ensure that people and planet are the major concerns of the business while offering any product or service. 

A brand is designated “Guaranteed Fair Trade” when it transparently displays the implementation of 10 Principles of Fair Trade and International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions. The certificate is granted only after a physical inspection. Being a member of WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization) also entails diligent practice and constant refinement of its fair trade practices.  

Global Organic Textile Standard

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a certification system that keeps the ecological and social responsibilities thriving in the textile and apparel manufacturing industry. It covers the entire supply chain by setting strict ecological and social parameters for sustainable production using certified organic fibers and ethical labor practices.  

To be GOTS certified, a brand needs to meet all the social and ecological parameters set in place as the standard requirement. The standard maintains that all textiles be made from at least 70% certified organic fibers through all the stages of production. 


B Corp is a certification system set on strict criteria fixed by B-Labs, a non-profit organization. The criteria for becoming a B corp organization considers the overall impact of that organization on its stakeholders. B Corp is a movement towards the benefit of the planet and people by establishing an equal concern for the stakeholders and shareholders. 

For a brand to attain B Corp certification, it must:

  • Achieve a B Impact Assessment score of 80 or above, pass the risk review and meet the baseline standards. 
  • Making itself legally accountable to all stakeholders instead of just shareholders.
  • Commit to transparency by publicly showing its performance measured against B Lab’s standards.

PETA Cruelty Free

PETA Cruelty Free Certification ensures that the product was not tested on any animal after being produced. While cruelty free products don’t necessarily have to be vegan, PETA Cruelty Free Certification is only granted when a brand bans both the animal tests and the use of animal-derived ingredients. 

For a brand to be PETA Cruelty Free, it has to apply to join the global list of companies and brands that are animal test–free by requesting for application materials at Once the brand is approved, it signs PETA’s statement of assurance or provides a statement verifying that they do not conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and that they pledge not to do so in the future.

Global Recycled Standard

Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is an international, voluntary, full product standard that sets requirements for the verification of the recycled content (both finished and intermediate) in the product, social and environmental practices of the brand and chemicals used in the making of the product. 

To be GRS certified a brand has to procure, complete, and submit an application form by contacting On the basis of the submitted form, Control Union will offer the correct scope of activities, products, processes and or units to be certified. After the requirements have been met, the brand is certified.

The Fair Wear Foundation

Fair Wear Foundation is a non-profit and independent organization on a mission to revolutionize the garment industry by supporting fair treatment of workers in the supply chain of brands. Fair Wear does not offer a certification but a membership to all those brands who either produce their own sewn goods or are willing to work with their suppliers to fix problems in the supply chain and ensure workers’ welfare.

To avail Fair Wear membership a brand has to meet certain requirements set by the Fair Wear Foundation. Currently, they are focusing more on the European market.