Brand Values

1. Artisan

What’s an artisan? All goods and items, be they clothes, shoes, handbags, furniture, decorative pieces, or any other item, are crafted with the utmost skill by hand or partly by hand and partly by machine. Artisanship suggests that an item is produced with much time invested but less wastage and traditional values of the artisan’s community are reflected in the item. 
For a brand to be called artisanal, they ought to make sure they choose quality over quantity. The process is collaborative with equal parts of the fashion designer and the artisan’s creativity.

2. Certified Organic

We can simply understand Certified Organic as all products having been extracted 100% organically, directly from the farm to market, without the use of hazardous chemicals which have adverse effects on the environment, farmers, and producers as well. 
A brand can get the Global Organic Textile standard mark to prove that it uses 100% organically grown fabrics. The brand needs to ensure that the harvest, the manufacturing, and the labeling of the end product ensures the credibility of being certified organic to the customer.

3. Fair Trade

The Fairtrade certification for a brand signifies that the farmers and laborers working for that brand are working under fair conditions. A fairtrade mark ensures that the labor and farmers are paid living wages, work for fixed hours and that the brand is meeting the social, economic, and environmental standards set by the Fairtrade International foundation.
Fairtrade Foundation primarily aims to uplift the small farmers, producers, and traders that meet the strict Fairtrade standards and also to protect them from unjust conventional trade.

4. Gender Equality

When a brand brings gender equality to the table, they guarantee that both men and women workers are getting equal pay, equal brand representation, and promotion opportunities, as well as equal perks. Scientifically proven, gender-inclusive teams make better business decisions as compared to teams lacking gender diversity. 
For a brand or company to be qualified as gender equal, not just women but men, and the LGTBQ+ community should be subjected to the parameters of gender equality. 

5. Give Back

Manufacturing products means that the manufacturers and brands are using environmental and human resources. Giving back to the environment and society is a great way for the brands to reflect upon their humanity and ensure the customers that they are putting their trust in the right brand. 
Sponsoring local artisans and promoting small businesses using their resources, involving the customers in their appraisal and donation activities are some ways through which brands can establish the value of giving back.

6. Transparent

Honesty with your customers may be the best way to bring in business, maintain customer loyalty, and transparency allows the brand to set up a good code of ethics. A brand is said to be transparent when they are being honest about their requirements with their colleagues and secondly, they are honest about their product contents and manufacturing process with their customers. 

7. Vegan

People have an unjust understanding of what veganism means. Veganism doesn’t just hold the superficial meaning of not consuming dairy or meat products. Veganism aims to imbibe the shared emotions of compassion and love for life in everyone. When a brand believes in and supports veganism, they are promoting with it the values of non-violence and equality for all living creatures-humans and animals alike. 

8. Circularity

Regeneration practices for a more sustainable future have been in execution for quite some time now. Just like regenerative agriculture, circular fashion also works on the regenerative model. 
For a brand to have circularity, the fabrics used must have long-term sustainability because circularity suggests that apparel must be used until its maximum value has been utilized. All products are designed with their next use in mind. The idea is not to recycle again and again but to reuse more and buy less.


Being a BIPOC brand means that the brand is Black, Indigenous, and People of Color owned. BIPOC is an umbrella term given by WHO for black and people of color. Since the mentioned community people are subjected to injustice and discrimination at multiple levels and in multiple ways, a BIPOC brand ensures that these communities’ people feel empowered and get equal chances at bagging the opportunities. This brand value also suggests the brand’s support for individual cultural identities and an understanding of their struggles as ethnic races.Â